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5 Ways Teachers Can Use Technology In Class (to FACILITATE Learning)

As an educator, you’re always looking for new ways to engage your students and help them
learn. Technology can be a great way to do that.

The good news is, there are all sorts of different tech tools and apps you can use in class.

teachers use technology in class

Here are five ways you can start using technology in your teaching today.

  • Virtual Field Trips

One great way to use technology in the classroom is by taking virtual field trips. All sorts of websites and apps let you take virtual tours of different places.

For example, you can visit museums, ancient ruins, or even other countries. This is a great way to get students interested in learning about new places and cultures, without even having to visit physically.

Digital field trips are a practical way to open up the world to your students.

Even better, this method is very cost-effective and with so many options available, there is something for everyone.

  • Use Videos for Mini-Lessons

Another great way to use technology in the classroom is using videos for mini-lessons.

You can find all sorts of videos online that cover a wide range of topics. For example, you can find videos on doing specific math problems, writing a research paper, or even making a cake (there is so much video resources available online, both free and paid).

Using videos for mini-lessons is a great way to keep students engaged and help them learn new information. It can also be a great way to review the material you covered in class.

  • Gamified Learning

Gamified learning is a great way to get students excited about learning. It involves using games to teach different concepts and skills. This can be a great way to help students learn new information, but it can also be a great way to review the material you covered in class.

For example, you can find games that teach math skills, science concepts, or even foreign languages.

Without doubt, most students will find it very fun to participate in such games while learning at the same time.

  • Online Teaching Resources

When teaching online courses, educators need to be familiar with the different types of available
resources. Adobe Education exchange is one of such.

Adobe Education Exchange is a valuable resource for educators teaching online courses. It offers various tools and resources to help educators create and deliver their courses.

Adobe Education Exchange also offers professional development opportunities for educators. This is a great way to learn new tools and techniques that can help you improve your teaching.

  • Creating Digital Content

Digital content is a great way to engage students and help them learn. For example, you can create digital content using various tools, including apps, websites, and software programs.

In addition, you can create videos, podcasts, infographics, or even memes. For example, they can use an app or website to create an animated film or documentary. For a 6th grade science project, you can have your students make a movie about a topic already discussed in class.

Digital content is a great way to help students learn, and there are numerous ways to create it. It can also be a great way to engage students and help them learn new skills.

Bottom Line

Technology provides tools and resources that can be used in many aspects and areas of life. One of such areas is learning.

Technology can be a great way to engage students and help them learn new information.

The best part is that these students are more likely to remember these concepts for longer time because of these kinds of engagements aided by technology.

What do you think about these methods of using technology in classrooms to aid learning? Do you have any particular method (either listed above or not) that you as a teacher or student use in facilitating learning in classroom? Share your thoughts using the comment section below. 

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